It is with great pleasure I get to tease an axe I got to design for my friend Maksym @wildfieldsforge.
We finished the first prototype 2 days before the first bombs dropped in Ukraine.
After more than 2 months of protecting his family and elder neighbours, Maksym, whom I got to meet in Ukraine last fall, rebuilt his bombed forge and went back to work under daily shelling.
My goal for this axe was to apply my tried and tested proportions and formula for dedicated carving to a historic pattern.
Influenced by the norse/slavic tradition of Ukraine and my own Austrian/Hungarian background.
Masterly executed by Maksym, with his unparalleled knowledge of forging axes to hammer finish, heat treat and grinding, this ball bearing axe is a fierce and optimized carving companion.
Head weight 600g.
Adding a 32cm haft I designed for the blade radius, a heavy poll for counter balance and a double stitched leather mask this axe is a timeless lifetime tool.
The axes will drop, ready to be shipped on my website.
No reservations, no pre-orders.
Shipped from Ukraine which works despite the current situation very well.
Import fees may apply in your country.
Sold without VAT included!
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